A/B Testing Process

A/B Test Development


  • Bucket: Sets percentage of users, and in some cases, disables and enables tests
  • Discriminator: Additional information about the user journey that the test will capture


All new tests are created in config/initializers/ab_tests.rb as a new AbTest object.

Naming convention: Test names are written in SCREAMING_TEXT, e.g. SOCURE_IDV_SHADOW_MODE Required settings:

  • experiment_name (String): Friendly name of the A/B test
  • should_log (Array): Name of test in app/services/analytics.rb that corresponds to the metrics that will be measured when logging
  • buckets (Hash): Can set the percentage of users who will experience the A/B test experience vs. the present default experience, as well as if the test is enabled.

Unit Testing

The team strongly encourages that all A/B tests have a corresponding unit test in spec/config/initializers/ab_test_spec.rb. Your test should demonstrate that:

  • Your buckets are configured correctly
  • Bucket values are set as valid integers
  • Returns the correct bucket when your A/B test is enabled


Configurations related to testing percentages are added in lib/identity_config.rb. A common practice in the config values sis that the name has some kind of indicator that it is related to a specific test. Some examples in the application include:

  • config.add(:idv_acuant_sdk_upgrade_a_b_testing_percent, type: :integer)
  • config.add(:recommend_webauthn_platform_for_sms_ab_test_account_creation_percent, type: :integer)


A/B tests now live as a key on the properties.event_properties hash. Below is an example of how to write a query based on a specific test

properties.event_properties.ab_tests: { ACUANT_SDK: { bucket: ‘use_alternate_sdk’ }