Triage User Issues

These are common scripts and tasks for lookup up data in production


Before you can access any systems, you will need to set up AWS-vault

SSM Documents

We used AWS SSM, which is kind of like SSH. Our main script, ssm-instance is set up for a few documents aimed at common tasks. See the guide to ssm-instance for more information on the script and the documents.

Inside a Rails Console

Inside a Rails console (see rails-c) here are some other things you can do to quickly get a sense of how a user’s account is set up

Find a user by email

This is what uuid-lookup does under the hood basically

user = User.find_with_email('')

Check what MFA methods they have configured
=> { :phone => 1, :backup_codes => 10 }

Check events
=> 10
=> [Mon, 03 Apr 2021 18:53:38.820730000 UTC +00:00, Wed, 29 Jun 2022 16:47:46.275708000 UTC +00:00]

Check what SPs the user has connected to


Cloudwatch Logs

Once you have a user’s UUID (from uuid-lookup), you can look in Cloudwatch logs for events.log events for that user.

See also Troubleshooting Quick Reference - Cloudwatch Logs

Commonly used logs

Log Group Name AWS Environment Notes
prod_/srv/idp/shared/log/events.log login-prod For a full list of documented events, see Analytics Events
prod_/srv/idp/shared/log/production.log login-prod The Rails log
/aws/lambda/SESAllEvents_Lambda login-prod Simple Email service (SES) events with usernames redacted.
/aws/lambda/pinpoint_event_logger login-sms-prod Pinpoint (SMS) service events with phone numbers redacted. See SMS delivery for more information.

Cloudwatch Insights

  1. Open up AWS console (aws-vault login prod-power)
  2. Navigate to “Cloudwatch”, then find “Logs Insights”
  3. Select prod_/srv/idp/shared/log/events.log from “Log Groups”
  4. Select a time range
  5. Enter a query

Saved Queries

On the right side of the page, we have a few saved queries useful for common triage tasks under “user” under “prod”.

saved user queries in Cloudwatch Insights

Via the command line

Cloudwatch queries are limited to 15 minutes and 10,000 rows. To get around these limitations, we have a script that runs the same query over adjacent slices in time, see the guide to query-cloudwatch for more information.

Sample Queries

A sample triage query to track events for a particular user might look like this:

| filter properties.user_id = "USER_ID_HERE"
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 10000

Note: Some visited events repeat as the page polls for background jobs to complete. It’s not that the user was repeatedly visiting that page.

Add fields

To scan through a property for a lot of events, add it to the field list. For example, adding fields for properties.browser_mobile and properties.session_duration make it easier to see when a user changes devices or starts a new session.


Find a user by phone number

We don’t have indexed lookups by phone number so we need to combine a few approaches to get a user’s phone number

  1. Normalize and fingerprint the phone

    In a Prod Rails console (to use the correct hash salts)

     parsed_phone = Phonelib.parse("+1 (888) 867-5309")
     fingerprints = [
     # => ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"]
  2. In Cloudwatch, look up OTP requests to those fingerprints. It helps to have an approximate date this user was active to help narrow down the Cloudwatch search time frame.

    | filter name = 'Telephoy: OTP sent'
    | filter properties.event_properties.phone_fingerprint in ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"] # CHANGE THIS

Find the user id for a 500 error in production.log

Click on the name of the error in New Relic to get a more detailed view.

We add user_id as a custom attribute in New Relic. Scroll down in Attributes on the New Relic error page to see if it is available. If not, look for the error in production.log as follows.

At the top of the New Relic error page, find the approximate time of the error. Note timezones for both New Relic (usually local) and AWS (usually UTC) and convert if needed.

Note the path, if it wasn’t from a worker. Change the filter line below to match error status and path.

  1. Open up AWS console (aws-vault login prod-power)
  2. Navigate to “Cloudwatch”, then find “Logs Insights”
  3. Select prod_/srv/idp/shared/log/production.log from “Log Groups”
  4. Select a time range that includes the error
  5. Enter this query. Edit the status and path to match the error.
    fields @timestamp, user_id, @message, @logStream, @log
    | filter status = 500 and path like /verify/
    | sort @timestamp desc
    | limit 200

    The field you want is user_id, not uuid.

Then switch to prod_/srv/idp/shared/log/events.log and use the sample query above to find events for that user_id. Add a wide time range around the error to see what led up to it. There may not be an events.log entry for the error itself.