Data Warehouse Log Tables Schema

This is a guide to provide the schema definitions for the four log tables in our Data Warehouse:

  • logs.production
  • logs.unextracted_events
  • logs.unextracted_production


The logs.production table contains the following fields:

  • cloudwatch_timestamp
  • message
  • uuid
  • method
  • path
  • format
  • controller
  • action
  • status
  • duration
  • git_sha
  • git_branch
  • timestamp
  • pid
  • user_agent
  • ip
  • host
  • trace_id

The table contains the following fields:

  • cloudwatch_timestamp
  • message
  • id
  • name
  • time
  • visitor_id
  • visit_id
  • log_filename
  • new_event
  • path
  • user_id
  • locale
  • user_ip
  • hostname
  • pid
  • service_provider
  • trace_id
  • git_sha
  • git_branch
  • user_agent
  • browser_name
  • browser_version
  • browser_platform_name
  • browser_platform_version
  • browser_device_name
  • browser_mobile
  • browser_bot
  • success


The logs.unextracted_events table contains the following fields:

  • cloudwatch_timestamp
  • message


The logs.unextracted_production table contains the following fields:

  • cloudwatch_timestamp
  • message

NOTE: At present, we only allow valid JSON to land into the data warehouse tables. For example, the production logs containing Ruby hash will be ignored.

Below is an example of the logs that will NOT be ingested:

2024-06-10T17:10:15.234Z;"{:name=>""unused_identity_config_keys"", :keys=>[:ab_testing_idv_ten_digit_otp_enabled, :ab_testing_idv_ten_digit_otp_percent, :acuant_timeout, :disallow_all_web_crawlers, :doc_auth_exit_question_section_enabled, :doc_auth_selfie_capture_enabled, :platform_authentication_enabled, :phone_recaptcha_mock_validator]}"