
Introduction’s GitLab is an integrated Source Code Management (SCM) and Continuous Integration (CI)/Continuous Deployment (CD) solution customized for our needs and built with FedRAMP moderate controls to provide low friction and remove many of the roadblocks we faced when trying to piece together multiple tools with varying authorization levels.

User Guide

Notes below are specific and aim to get engineers and others started using

See Learning More About GitLab for a list of documentation and training resources.

Getting an Account

Accounts are provisioned in code by the Platform Team. In general this will be done as part of on-boarding.

If you do not have an account or need to change your group membership in GitLab ask for help in the #login-platform-help channel and @login-devtools-oncall

Logging In


  • You MUST use with your official duty GSA email address to sign in
  • If you don’t yet have an account on, go ahead and make one (or be ready to create it when you first login to GitLab)
  • You must use a phishing resistant multi-factor option for MFA which is one of:
    • PIV or CAC
    • Security Key (WebAuthN with a hardware key)

To log in:

  • Go to
  • Click “Log in Using”
  • Sign in with your official duty email address
  • Multi-factor authenticate with a security key, face/touch unlock, or PIV

Getting Support’s Platform Teams support the GitLab service. For help from an on-call platform engineer you can Slack a question in #login-devops and @login-devtools-oncall

For general GitLab support you can also directly use GitLab support. See GitLab Licensing and Support

Note - If is not available, existing Personal Access Tokens continue to function. We also have break-glass procedures if needed. See Runbook: GitLab Access Contingency Plan

GitLab Migration

We are in the process of moving our repos to using GitLab as their primary source of truth. Most repos will continue to mirror back to GitHub, in order to allow us to maintain public visibility. Once we have migrated a repository, merging from any branch other than GitLab will be blocked, and all pull requests will need to be submitted via GitLab. Our current timeline for migration is below:

Repo Name Planned Move Date Status
identity-devops 4/30/24 moved
identity-devops-private 4/30/24 moved
identity-terraform 4/30/24 moved
identity-cookbooks 4/30/24 moved
identity-base-image 4/30/24 moved
identity-reporting-rails 4/30/24 moved
identity-dashboard 5/15/24 moved
identity-design-system 6/6/24 moved
identity-oidc-sinatra 6/6/24 moved
identity-saml-sinatra 6/6/24 moved
identity-pki 6/13/24 moved
identity-loadtest 6/20/24 moved
identity-hostdata 7/11/24 moved
identity-fake-server 7/18/24 moved
identity-validations 7/25/24 moved
identity-reporting 7/25/24 moved
identity-handbook-private 8/8/24 planned
identity-cloudlib-lambdas 8/15/24 planned
identity-partners-site 8/15/24 planned
identity-secops-nessus-public 8/15/24 planned
identity-lambda-functions 8/15/24 planned
identity-idp 8/28/24 planned
identity-idv 8/28/24 planned
identity-idp-config 8/28/24 planned
identity-idp-functions 8/28/24 planned
identity-idp-attempts-tracker-events 8/28/24 planned
idp-emacs 8/28/24 planned
identity-handbook   unplanned
identity-site   unplanned

Personal Access Tokens

Cloning A Repository

Creating A New Repository

Working With Jobs

Learning More About GitLab

GitLab has robust documentation, all available at will be providing opportunities for in depth GitLab training.

Platform Guide

This section is for Platform Engineers and others supporting the underlying GitLab infrastructure. Non-public details are omitted.

Troubleshooting GitLab currently uses the GitLab Omnibus installation which is comprised of a multitude of installed packages. Here are some troubleshooting resources: GitLab Runbooks

Getting Support from GitLab

See GitLab Licensing and Support

Gitlab Staging Environment

We have a staging environment which is used to test out deploys destined for production. It can be found at Right now, whenever the stages/gitstaging branch changes, the gitlab prod environment will deploy it to gitstaging and run tests against it.

The root of the module that deploys it that has it’s config parameters set is in

You can find it’s deployment status in

Authentication Setup

GitLab leverages Omniauth to allow users to sign in using a variety of services, including (via SAML). To configure this:

  1. Generate a cert and private key by following the instructions at
    openssl req -nodes -x509 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.pem -out public.crt
  2. Grab the IDP sandbox signing certificate from and get its fingerprint (use instead of if you are doing this for gitlab prod/staging):
    curl -s
    | xml sel -N x="" -t -v '(//x:X509Certificate)[1]' \
    | sed '1i\
    ' \
    | sed '$a\
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    ' \
    | fold -w 64 \
    | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint \
    | sed -E 's/.*=//'
  3. Copy the IDP cert fingerprint, generated certificate, and generated private key to the per-environment S3 secrets bucket. Name them saml_idp_cert_fingerprint, saml_certificate and saml_private_key, respectively:
    aws s3 cp - "s3://${SECRET_BUCKET}/alpha/saml_private_key" --no-guess-mime-type --content-type="text/plain" --metadata-directive="REPLACE"
  4. With the public cert generated above, and replacing $ENVIRONMENT, configure a test integration at with the following parameters:
    • Issuer: urn:gov:gsa:openidconnect.profiles:sp:sso:login_gov:gitlab_$ENVIRONMENT
    • Return to App URL: 'https://gitlab.$'
    • Level of Service: Authentication Only (*Formerly labeled IAL1)
    • Default Authentication Assurance Level (AAL): AAL2 + Phishing-Resistant MFA
    • Attribute_bundle: email
    • Identity Protocol: saml
    • Assertion Consumer Service URL: 'https://gitlab.$'
    • SAML Assertion Encryption: 'aes256-cbc'