Reporting Process


If you have a data question about data, post it in #login-reporting. Make sure to include key information such as:

  • What is the data you are requesting? What question are you trying to answer?
  • When do you need this information by?

Once that happens, someone from one of the data teams below will acknowledge and file your question as a JIRA ticket, which will be assigned to a sprint. Once the data has been collected, a summary will be posted to that Slack thread.


  • Team Ursula: handles questions or reports from partner requests
  • Team Agnes: handles all other requests (including billing, fraud, etc)



When pulling data for a query, follow this process to help us log requests, and track how we answered them so we can build on them in the future.

  1. Create a Google Doc in the Data Request Google Drive folder. Optionally, upload supporting data as a spreadsheet in addition to the Google Doc with the same JIRA ticket in the name. Make sure to link to the spreadsheet from the document.

    Use this format for naming the documents:

    • LG-1234: Agency XYZ password resets for the document
    • LG-1234: Agency XYZ password resets (data) for the spreadsheet
  2. Make sure to include key information in this document:

    • The JIRA ticket in the title
    • Brief summary of the request
    • Brief summary of the result
    • Any queries (Cloudwatch queries, SQL queries) and any code snippets used to process those results

Example Document Template

LG-1234: Agency XYZ password resets


What is the password reset rate at agency XYZ?


A quick summary of the results in a sentence or two

Agency XYZ’s password reset rate is about the same as the average across all agencies. This trend holds across mobile and desktop devices.

A tabular summary of the data

Event Overall population Agency XYZ
Password reset (mobile) 5% 5%
Password reset (desktop) 4% 4%


All the Cloudwatch queries used to gather the data

fields @message, @timestamp
| filter name = "Password Reset: Password Submitted"